Donnerstag, 27. August 2009

KW 35/2

Hallo zusammen,

hier noch etwas Vermischtes:

Between 2000 and 2008 South Africa has been downgraded by 20 places by Transparency International's Corruption Index -- from 34th to 54th. Corruption is increasing at an enormous rate and it impacts severely on the poor.

Militär kämpft in Pretoria gegen die Polizei:
Tshwane police used rubber bullets and teargas to disperse around 1 000 soldiers attempting to gain access to the Union Buildings in Pretoria, the defence department said on Wednesday.
Between 1 000 and 2 000 soldiers face tough disciplinary action and possible criminal prosecution after a pay increase march on government buildings in capital Pretoria turned violent. Two soldiers were arrested and handed over to the military police.

So kann es heute jedem Touristen in JHB gehen:
An elderly American tourist leaving OR Tambo International Airport on Wednesday found himself trapped in a minibus with a gang of hijackers who kept him hostage for more than half an hour.

Aber auch Shopping Malls sind als “Leichte Ziele” zunehmend gefährdet:
The recent spate of shopping mall robberies could be the result of security companies being penetrated by criminal syndicates, a crime researcher has suggested.
An urgent meeting to discuss the surge in mall robberies takes place today. All role-players in the retail trade will attend a meeting of the Consumer Goods Council. In the past two weeks, three people have been killed and eight wounded in a spate of robberies in Gauteng.

Aber so recht bekämpfen will man das offenbar nicht:
A controversial but successful covert tactical crime intelligence assault unit used to fight heavily armed criminal gangs across South Africa has been disbanded with immediate effect, according to its members.

Mittwoch, 26. August 2009

KW 35/1

Moin zusammen,

in dieser Woche wurde bekannt, dass alle Kommunen in der Provinz North West vor dem Kollaps stehen:

A top-level ANC report has revealed how political infighting, corruption and nepotism within its own ranks has brought municipalities in the North West to the brink of collapse.
All 25 municipalities in North West - most now teetering on the brink of collapse - will have to be rebuilt from scratch because of ANC infighting, fraud and corruption and a general flouting of the law.

Und so steht es um die Ahndung der angezeigten Verbechen:
More than a million of the two million criminal cases reported annually in South Africa are never solved.

Mittwoch, 19. August 2009

KW 34/2

Moin zusammen,

für alle die, die immer noch glauben, Südafrika würde den Weg der Staaten des Kontinents vermeiden können, wird es immer schwieriger, daran festzuhalten. Präsident Zuma sagte in Limpopo, dass der Staat eine billigere Methode finden müsse, Land umzuverteilen.

Nun ja, wenn das eben nicht auf der Basis "williger Verkäufer/williger Käufer" geht, dann geht es halt anders! Wie in Zimbabwe?

An gleicher Stelle kommentierte es ein Leser so:

Aug 18 2009 09:57

Do not try to give African politicians advice, they know it all. teir continent is the poorest least productive to say the least but hey they know all the answers. They knew all the answers in Zim, Kenya and everywhere and also here in SA but they reap failure after failure and then simply blame it on colonialism/apartheid whilst living in their mansions nad driving their expensive cars. Do not expect any successes; just look at basic service delivery all over the country and think for yourself.

Dienstag, 18. August 2009

KW 34/1

Moin zusammen,

hier nur allzu alltägliche Meldungen aus Südafrika, die von den deutschen Mainstream-Medien nur selten zur Kenntnis genommen werden:

Off-duty cop assaulted by angry residents

Street committee spokesperson Nosisa Mgoduka said the residents were angry with mayor Dan Plato.

Schaut Euch die Fotos genau an, insbesondere das vorletzte, und bewertet den oben genannten Grund für die Proteste in diesem Zusammenhang!

Hier fordern die Menschen eine schnellere Beseitigung der Leichen von den Straßen:

South Africa: K'litsha Shack Residents Call for Speedy Removal of Bodies

The residents, who live in TR Section in Khayelitsha, say the amount of time bodies are left lying in the street is unhygienic and leaves children who are forced to see the bodies traumatised.

Und der Rest Afrikas?


Dysfunctional Nation


Zimbabwe heading for a Rwandan-style genocide?

South Africa Admits They Are Considering Selling Arms to Zimbabwe

Das ist sicherlich das, was Zimbabwe jetzt am meisten braucht. Aber sie haben schon in der Vergangenheit heimlich geliefert:

South Africa exported deadly weapons to Zimbabwe at a time when it was virtually at war, unleashing savage attacks on the opposition Movement for Democratic Change.


Vorsicht, sehr harte Bilder!

Five people suspected of being witches were brutally murdered in a kisii Nyamataro Village.