Dienstag, 6. April 2010

Der Mord an einem Rassisten...

...und was daraus folgt:

A friend of mine phoned me up with a most stunning fact he has spotted in the newspapers. He used to be in Military Intelligence decades ago, and scanning newspapers was his daily job.

He told me this. He said, that according to the newspaper reports the 21 year old and the 15 year old who murdered Eugene Terreblanche, killed him AND THEN PHONED THE POLICE TO SAY THEY'VE KILLED HIM "IN SELF DEFENCE".

My friend said: Where on earth do you hear of instances, especially in South Africa, on a farm, where the murderers phone the police to say "come and get us". They have every opportunity on earth to escape and they didn't. They're young, they are in a remote area, they could very easily have melted into the townships and never been found (we have so many unsolved murders).

And, when the Police arrive they already have their story ready and the story is they killed him because he did not pay their wages.

My friend, who is no conspiracy theorist said to me: Jan, you've been saying this for YEARS... and here it is.

He was also talking that these 2 guys will get big pay-offs for the murder of Eugene. That's why they will go to jail, because they know they'll be looked after, they'll get a nice soft landing. The monies and favours have probably been agreed on for them and their families out of some secret black budget, etc. Rest assured, these guys went in there, did the job, murdered him and this was just the next step in the procedure.

Now ask yourself WHY they would want to be caught? Here's the reason: It is utterly crucial that they carry out the next step in the plan which is: ANC RACE HATE PROPAGANDA AGAINST AFRIKANERS AND WHITES BY WAY OF USING EUGENE TERREBLANCHE AS THE EXAMPLE.

So now the newspapers and court rooms will be filled with the following line, which goes: "We poor blacks are constantly being abused by these racist, white Afrikaner trash, and (sob) poor us, we were so poor and this horrible man refused to pay us... and in desperation we killed him because we have had enough of this endless abuse by these racist white scum. (more sobs)" Then everyone goes: "Tut, tut..." shame poor black guys... that piece of white racist sh*t DESERVED TO DIE... he got what he rightfully DESERVED.


Gruß, Michael

Montag, 15. März 2010

Der Zimbabwe-Weg wird planiert.

Moin zusammen,

so langsam wird auch in der Landfrage deutlich, wohin in Südafrika die Reise gehen soll:

Farmers stunned by new land policy
Johannesburg - The department of rural development and land reform has kept farmers completely in the dark about plans to declare all productive agricultural land a national asset, an industry body has said.

Shots fired at BRT buses in Jhb
Johannesburg - Shots were fired at Johannesburg's new public buses introduced for the World Cup on Friday but passengers escaped unharmed, police said on Saturday.

Donnerstag, 4. März 2010

Blame Whitey: Eine neue Runde

Moin zusammen.

In einigen Kommunen haben die Steuerzahler, die Weißen also, wegen der nicht vorhandenen Leistungserbringung durch die ANC-regierten Kommunen die Zahlung auf Treuhandkonten begonnen. Dies ermöglicht ANC-Großkopferten eine neue Runde im Spiel „Blame Whitey“:

Whites 'undermining' delivery
Cape Town - White ratepayer associations have created "a parallel government" and are undermining the ability of municipalities to deliver services, Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Sicelo Shiceka said on Wednesday.

Hinweis auf die Kommentare!

Kaum zahlen die Steuerzahler einige Monate auf ein Treuhandkonto, so sind schon 97% aller Abwasseraufbereitungsanlagen nicht mehr 100%ig einsatzbereit
Municipal workers fear not being paid
They raised concerns after it emerged that the municipality’s coffers had dried up months before the end of the financial term.

Und in Namibia sind rund die Hälfte der Arbeitsfähigen arbeitslos, der Zimbabwe schon vorab gezahlte Hwange-Strom fällt vielleicht aus und das Eisenbahnsystem des Landes steht kurz vor dem Kollaps.

Und immer noch glauben mitteleuropäische Gutmenschen, dass das alles die Folgen von Kolonialismus und Apartheid sind :-(

Freitag, 15. Januar 2010

Und nun beginnt 2010!

Moin zusammen und ein Frohes Neues Jahr!

Der erste Post in 2010 ist keine Zusammenfassung des Allzuüblichen, sondern eine Analyse zur Struktur des Verbrechens, welches Südafrika heimsucht:

By: Dan Roodt

During the time of National Party reforms in the seventies and eighties, the cliché "adapt or die" used to do the rounds. Nowadays, given the highest murder rate in the world, this should be modified slightly to read, "adapt and die". For the endemic social violence in South Africa is probably incurable.

Optimists think that violent crime can be solved through better policing, more efficient courts and more secure prisons. Even assuming that such improvements were possible under conditions of hard-core affirmative action, it must be admitted that criminal justice treats the symptom and not the cause of social violence. The Department of Correctional Services, for one, has lost 496 out of 500 former Deputy Directors since 1994, representing most of the intellectual capital in the department. Newcomers may learn their job properly, or they may not, but they have to be flown to overseas countries to find out how prisons work as most of those previously involved in managing our prisons are no longer there.

South Africa used to have a problem of political violence. It was not as bad as elsewhere in Africa, but for some reason elicited hysterical international condemnation. However, actors in political violence are mostly driven by some sort of creed or belief system. Whether such a person is a communist, an anarchist, a neo-Nazi or an ethnic or religious guerilla fighter, he is usually amenable to persuasion or compromise. Even a group of Muslim suicide bombers might declare peace if they were given a territory in which to set up an Islamic theocracy, governed only by themselves and not subject to any outside influence.

In the same way, South Africa's so-called liberation movements who were at one time fanatically convinced of the need for violent and bloody revolution, laid down arms and bombs upon being told that F.W. de Klerk would surrender power unconditionally. Solving political violence is often intractable, but not impossible.

Not so social violence. Endemic crime, the breakdown of the social fabric, a sense of drift regarding norms of good conduct, point to a far deeper problem. The freedom fighter or urban terrorist is ultimately rational, despite a value system that normal society might find idiosyncratic.

But what is "normal society"? It is only the sum-total of behaviours prevalent in any given society at any given time. The Aztecs, infamously, practised daily human sacrifice to appease their sun god. It might revolt many of us today, but to them it was entirely normal. South Africa currently sacrifices about 87 humans per day to violent crime, or 32 000 per year. Those are only the ones who actually die. Scores of others are injured, maimed, traumatised, robbed, raped, burgled and so on.

In any suburb today an entire history of murders, hijackings, and other violent events can be written, if only the locals were narcissistic enough to consider their own history worth recording for posterity. On the other hand, social violence lacks the charm and grandeur of political violence as it is usually not committed in the interest of some glamorous cause like national liberation or world revolution but simply to acquire some hapless person's BMW or rape his wife because she happened to be inside.

However, some time ago a Johannesburg newspaper engaged in chronicling some local history in the suburbs of Westdene and Lakefield in Benoni. Nearly every resident had a story to tell, an entire litany of mayhem. Mr. John Gee miraculously survived a shot through the eye, but now feels traumatised. His wife says, "One lives in fear in one's own home. One does not sleep. One prays for protection, yet only more fears come."

But who are the authors of South Africa's social violence? Even asking this question presents one with a sense of discomfort, because most violent criminals in South Africa are young black men between the ages of 16 and 36. As one surgeon who had stitched together at least three child rape victims, two of whom were infants, said recently, "Probably white men commit such acts too; it is just that no-one in South Africa has come across such a case." Of course, it would be preposterous to say that all young black men are prone to violence.

Judging from our daily experiences in crime-torn South Africa, however, a sub-section of that population, large enough to cause more havoc than even a well-equipped guerilla army of a few thousand men, has taken up practices such as heists, hold-ups, murders, sexual violence exacted upon women and children, and so on.

Explanations for such deviancy are manifold. The ubiquitous answer of it being due to apartheid might have been satisfying if other African societies never subject to group areas and a homeland system did not display similar traits. The Congo, Liberia, Sierra Leone come to mind. There is a whole nature/nurture debate around black violence, except that no adherent of the "nature" side would publicly admit to being one, for fear of being branded a racist. Even though mainstream American cancer research has conclusively shown that black men have higher levels of testosterone than their white counterparts, few would hazard the notion that this might be linked to their greater propensity for violent crime.

America has a gargantuan prison population of two million, over half of which consists of African-Americans. This is despite their minority status in the USA, comprising only 12% of an overall population amounting to 290 million. South Africa could neither afford nor succeed, given the dire state of our criminal justice system, in jailing a similar number of black male offenders. Currently, only 10% of murderers in South Africa get arrested and only 6% are convicted. Any murderer therefore has a 94% chance of getting away with it.

If by some miracle all serious criminals in the country had to be caught and imprisoned, the prison population would surely treble or quadruple from the present 200 000, which is already high by world standards. Not only is such an improvement inconceivable under current conditions, but it would also be politically unpopular with the ruling ANC who would be incarcerating large numbers of young black males who are mostly its own supporters at the polls. Few whites, if any, commit violent crime and there are only 3 900 of them in prison, mostly for white-collar offences such as fraud or insider trading on the stock exchange.

All that remains in the world's most violent society, is precisely to adapt and die. Twice as many South Africans of all races now die of murder than of road accidents - even though the road accident rate is also the highest in the world, surpassing that of Turkey. Crime extends to trade in driver's licences, so that a large number of drivers use so-called "bought licences", hardly a contribution to road safety.

There are some people naive enough to think that "something can be done about crime" in South Africa, mostly opposition politicians who dream about diverting funds from arms procurement to policing, but this would be futile. There are already three times as many private security personnel as state-employed policemen, and even they do not succeed in containing what has become Africa's only peacetime killing field.

"I killed them because they were white." These famous words were spoken last year by William Kekana, who participated in one of the most horrendous incidents in which the entire family of Mr. Clifford Rawstorne was wiped out, consisting of his fiancée, baby, as well as his own mother. Even this massacre of an entire family would not have made headlines, were it not for the fact that one year-old Kayla was executed on her very first birthday with a shot in the head. Needless to say, the two adult women were first raped before being killed. Both William Kekana and his accomplice, Charles Fido Baloyi, fell into the high-risk group of young black (and Coloured) males who commit almost all violent crime in the country.

South Africa actually has a Minister of Safety and Security, which to some might seem like an example of absurd humour. His Excellency Mr. Charles Nqakula, whose official résumé proudly states that he was once "a waiter and wine steward", has immortalised himself by euphemistically stating that there was no real crime problem in South Africa, except that it was "a little on the high side".

All in all, South Africa has got remarkably used to its new-found status as the crime capital of the world. The high-rise districts of Hillbrow and Berea in Johannesburg have been officially designated by Interpol as having the highest murder rate in the world, that is, 600 people per 100 000 population members per annum. Consider for a moment that such a figure represents 12 times the rate found in inner-city ghettoes in the United States, often seen as no-go zones by many Americans.

One British immigrant to South Africa who has survived three car hijackings, refuses to emigrate, stating that he is now accustomed to having Kalachnikovs pointed at him from pointblank range. Everyone knows a relative or friend who has been killed or at least subjected to some form of violent crime, and no South African can remotely imagine a society where people do not live behind razor wire, electrified fences, high walls, burglar bars and similar decorative props.

Outsiders might find our lifestyle bizarre, but many pundits in South Africa consider our society to be much more "normal" now than at any time in the past, which was tarnished by ethnic separation albeit without the present large-scale violence. At the height of segregation and apartheid under Hendrik Verwoerd, South Africa was almost as peaceful as Switzerland but she was immoral. Today we are the apotheosis of racial morality and political correctness, yet as violent as the Congo or Liberia. Surprisingly, however, our economy continues to function amid the carnage. No economist has ever studied this as far as I know, but not only is crime our biggest industry - bigger than gold-mining or manufacturing - it also stimulates consumption as stolen goods are replaced; it is a boon to the insurance and security industries and ultimately makes surgeons and undertakers rich. The government earns billions of rands in Value-Added Tax on stolent goods being replaced with new ones. So crime pays.

News about killings or shoot-outs no longer elicits the slightest surprise. It is part of our daily existence, and one assumes the lethal risks attending to something as simple as going shopping or driving to work. My wife, for example, has twice been to the local shopping centre where in the one instance a shoot-out was taking place in the parking area so that she had to hide between the cars with our 18 month-old son in her arms; in the second case an armed robbery had just taken place with the robbers casually strolling by with their guns and their loot.

Everyone knows someone who has been killed, raped or maimed. Just this week, the wife of a friend and former literary editor of Die Burger, François Smith, was stabbed to death with a screwdriver in their home in Wellington, near Cape Town. Her murderer was a 16-year-old squatter camp resident whose race was omitted by the press but presumably few, if any whites, reside in his particular squatter camp which is dedicated to black Africans. Lisbé Smuts-Smith was a well-known academic and head of the Afrikaans literature department at the University of Cape Town. Just two weeks ago, another UCT academic, mathematician Brian Hahn, was attacked by a former student, dr. Maleafisha Steve Tladi (35). Hahn died in hospital a week later, while Tladi was released on bail of R500 (about $80).

Two years ago Louw Rabie, a brilliant albeit reclusive geologist and brother of author Jan Rabie, was beaten to death with a fence pole by two Coloured men to whom he had lent some money a week earlier. Police in the small Cape town of Montagu readily caught his murderers because they happened to have drinking money during the week, taken from his home. He was 80 years old, but in good health. He is reputed to have been one of the most brilliant geologists and intellectuals this country has ever produced, writing copiously throughout his life but disdaining publication and public esteem. Africans with their oral tradition are fond of saying that "when an old person dies, a library burns down". What strikes me about the relentless killings of educated whites, is that the criminals are indeed "burning down the libraries" of this country and physically exterminating the intellectual class, much like Pol Pot did in Cambodia.

The media are celebrating youth, dance, colour, being black and exuberant - as opposed to the quiet studiousness of middle-aged and elderly whites, the bearers of knowledge and understanding. Are these learned whites who are being killed in exuberant, paradisiacal outbreaks of violence simply the remnants of a civilisation that is being eradicated in the name of decolonisation? No government spokesman has ever condemned such killings; so we may assume that the present regime is completely indifferent to them, where such killings do not enjoy their tacit support.

Around our local school in the past week there have been two car hijackings, as well as one murder. It is not really considered to be an exceptionally violent area. Most of this is not even reported in the press, because there really is not enough space and ordinary crime is no longer newsworthy. It needs some further sadistic element to make the front page, such as babies getting killed or raped, or elderly farmers being tortured to death. Farming in South Africa is now arguably the most dangerous profession in the world with more than 1600 farmers murdered since 1994, often in macabre and dehumanising ways.

To the outside world, white South Africans are congenitally evil. If our murderers and rapists had been white and their victims black, Europe or the United States would long ago have sent an expeditionary force to put a stop to it. At present, news of white suffering in South Africa inspires the occasional yawn in Western capitals. This is why a recent article in The Despatch, detailing the rape of a dog by three black men, gave me some hope that a chord will be struck somewhere in the coolly indifferent breasts of our fellow-Westerners. Even if the lives of Louw Rabie, Brian Hahn, Lisbé Smuts-Smith, Kayla Rawstorne and tens of thousands of others are of no value to them, perhaps they will take pity on the mongrel bitch in Grahamstown that was recently raped by three black men. Or perhaps two black men, as the third one protested his innocence upon being dragged out of the shack by screaming, "I came here to relieve myself. These two were raping the dog when I arrived!" Cruelty to humans, especially white humans, is today a normal feature of our society, just like human sacrifice used to be in the culture of the Aztecs. Cruelty to animals, or non-consensual sex with dogs, may still evoke some sympathy, not only locally, but also internationally. I therefore feel sorry for Masganda - the name of the dog concerned - who was rescued with a bleeding vagina and in need of veterinary attention, but perhaps this lowly creature of uncertain lineage could become a martyr for our cause in alerting opinion-makers and political leaders of our plight.

Cycling has become a popular sport in South Africa. However, its practitioners regularly get shot at by gangs of black youths in the street, so that many of them carry guns and knives for self-defence on their bicycles. Members of the Johannesburg mountain-bike club were outraged a while ago when two cyclists, Scott and Lloyd Griffith, were charged with murder after an armed battle with their four black assailants, one of whom succumbed to his wounds.

Most of the time, however, whites are helpless victims of crime. The government has recently passed a new gun law which makes it difficult, if not impossible, to own a fire-arm. They have also abolished rural commandos of military reservists entrusted with crime-prevention in the country, without any police units replacing them. Occasionally the newspapers carry stories of crime victims successfully defending themselves against attacks, offering armed resistance. As a result of the new gun law, this will soon end and we shall simply be able to hide or flee from our assailants. Defending oneself against a marauding robber or rapist might be a manifestation of racism, and is therefore frowned upon as being a kind of "right-wing" response.

Being robbed of one's vehicle or household belongings is now considered quite normal, and often people ascribe escaping with their lives to their own astuteness, such as being friendly to the robber, helping him load the effects into a vehicle, not looking him in the face so as not to recognise him afterwards, et cetera. A friend of mine in Kempton Park kept up a reasonable conversation with the thieves emptying his house, tied up as he was with a gun pointed at him. He survived, although his elderly mother was badly roughed up and had to be hospitalised. In other instances, of course, people are not so lucky and they become just another murder statistic. Then they simply adapt and die.

Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2009

KW 51/1

Moin zusammen,

immer mehr weiße südafrikanische Liberale, die sich aktiv für das Ende des Apartheid-Regimes eingesetzt haben, geben zu, dass sie einer Illusion erlegen sind:

The rainbow is a shattered mirror
Written by Breyten Breytenbach

After 1994, for a period, there was an inclusive will to unite around the dream of a new nationhood that could embody the morality of forgiveness and even perhaps mutual trust, but it quickly drifted into the sewer of betrayed expectations and predator politics, of fear and uninhibited greed, immorality and racism. Nothing was done to promote inclusiveness. How then could “healing” have taken place?
After the initial transitional phase of cohesiveness it quickly became clear that the One Nation as a promised land would be directed by hegemonic Black Nationalism and a deep desire to excise the past and rewrite history. In practice, the ruling party’s demand that “it is now our time, it is our turn to eat” – which manipulates nationalism based on skin colour as the last refuge of the scoundrel and a way to excise the past – means the ruthless enrichment of deployed cadres to the disadvantage of the remainder of the population.
This “disadvantage” – impoverishment and lack of service delivery – has now made the country hostage to crime and ethnic populism. And everyday reality makes it increasingly clear that it is expected of Afrikaners to transfer their skills, farms, schools, banking cards, shares, cell phones, arms, liquor, and gardening tools, quietly, in guilt, before they themselves disappear from Africa and history, and that they have no moral right to object to their fate.


Jetzt fangen die schwarzen Gangster auch noch an, ihren weißen Opfern die Augen auszustechen:

Brutal attack on eye surgeon

The couple's daughter, Hannelie Warren, said on Monday they also tried to gouge out her dad's eyes. The robbers apparently said they didn’t want him to see again and identify them to the police.

Freitag, 11. Dezember 2009

KW 50/2

Moin zusammen.

Schauen wir heute einmal auf Südafrikas Nachbarn, Zimbabwe. Vor zehn Jahren konnte sich niemand auch nur im Entferntesten vorstellen, was heute Realität ist. Wenn sich nicht schnellstens etwas in Südafrika ändert, werden wir das in zwölf Jahren auch über Südafrika sagen. Wer wettet dagegen?

Absolute poverty, total tyranny – why are we still talking?


Written by The Zimbabwean
Wednesday, 09 December 2009 10:21
It is now ten years since the collapse of the Zimbabwe economy got underway
in earnest, writes EDDIE CROSS. It actually started in 1997. but only really
began to slide two years later when the effect of policy changes took root.
It is perhaps time that we looked back on this lost decade and ask ourselves
what sort of price have we paid?
The numbers are astonishing – if you assume an average potential growth of
five per cent in GDP over this decade, then the actual cost in terms of lost
GDP earnings is more than $76 billion. In human terms, life expectancies
have halved and over three million people have died at a younger age than
they would have died in the decade before. In human terms, the collapse has
been nothing short of a catastrophe – a third of our population has left the
country – nearly four million going to neighbouring states. About half a
million people have lost their jobs and nearly two million people displaced
Absolute poverty is now the norm, with average Zimbabweans receiving less
that a dollar a day on which to subsist – the international measure of
living below the level required for essential needs. This is confirmed by
the fact that over 70 per cent of the national population was being supplied
with their basic food needs at the beginning of this year.
On Sunday, I attended a meeting where I was told of an incident where a
woman encountered a man who was clearly insane wandering about a shopping
centre. She was told he was a former member of the security forces who had
been involved in torture. I understand there are thousands who are haunted
by the crimes they have committed under state direction.
The consequences of the genocide in many areas of Matabeleland have not been
addressed and remain a shadow over many communities. So too the effects of
Murambatsvina in 1995, when 1.2 million people were displaced by a state
campaign to force people back into the rural areas. Thousands died in the
aftermath and hundreds of thousands are still homeless.
All of these are the consequences of a political tyranny that has sought to
defend its hold on power and privilege. While the country slid into poverty
and collapse accompanied by joblessness, homelessness and despair, a small
minority who came to power in 1980, have become wealthy beyond their
imaginings. They shop in Dubai and Johannesburg and holiday on the ski
slopes of Europe. Their children go to the finest universities and schools
in the world. Many have homes in Zimbabwe that would do the wealthy in the
West proud.
They conduct a clever and professional campaign to cover up their crimes. In
offices in Toronto, London, Washington and Johannesburg, highly paid experts
counter the attempts by the victims in Zimbabwe to tell their stories.
Dozens of websites spew out their propaganda and people with false names
correspond across the globe.
Inside Zimbabwe, they are terrified of any independent sources of news and
Attempts to reform the media and allow new broadcasting and TV channels have
been met with total resistance even though they agreed to the reforms in the
Only 12 per cent of the reforms negotiated over two years under the
facilitation of SADC have been implemented in nine months of political
squabbling. No progress on democratic conditions for elections, no progress
on the rule of law, freedom of assembly and association, no progress on the
enforcement of contract law and respect for property rights, no progress on
media reform. Instead we are faced with a flood of propaganda about “pirate”
radio stations, “sanctions” (shopping restrictions) and “regime change”; as
if elections are not all about regime change by democratic means.
In place of real reform we continue to see harassment of the political
opposition, illegal arrests and prosecution, the use of the legal system,
(not for justice) as a mean of suppression.
Political violence continues across the country with thousands of militia
deployed and active, and communities fearful of a knock on the door at
midnight. We are waiting, like everyone, for some news of the discussions
that have been taking place over the past two weeks. These talks were not
about negotiations – they were about a timetable for implementing what all
the parties have already agreed and signed up to in the GPA. Why they have
taken so long is a mystery to me – what is there to talk about? They signed
up to the deal; all that remains is to get on with the job of implementing
the agreement and in full.
It is obvious that once again we in the MDC are being asked to compromise.
Quite frankly it is difficult to see any reason why we should. We won the
2008 election – hands down, we clearly control two-thirds of the country
through local authorities. Everyone knows full well that in a genuine
election with free and fair conditions that the opposition to the MDC would
be miniscule. We have suffered under a tyranny for 30 years. Believe me, we
are quite prepared to suffer for a bit longer if at the end we can elect a
leadership that we can trust with our future under a system that will allow
us to dismiss them if they fail us or abuse our trust. After all that is
what democracy is all about.

Montag, 7. Dezember 2009

KW 50/1

Moin zusammen,

jetzt, wo alles für die WM gerüstet scheint, sollte man sich jedoch nicht von der vielleicht einsetzenden Vorfreude auf schönen Fußball mitreißen lassen, denn...

…an den realen Lebensbedingungen in Südafrika hat sich nicht geändert. Es hat sich auch nichts daran geändert, dass Berichte, wie der nachfolgende, von der englischsprachigen Presse überhaupt nicht erwartet werden können, da sie als „nestbeschmutzerisch“ aufgefasst werden können, und das wird von der Politik nicht so gern gesehen.

Robbers shoot at tourists

Another one of those small incidences of crime in South Africa, which is only reported in Afrikaans.

The question begs, why?

Below is a translation of the article.

Marloth Park, 2009-12-02

Buks Viljoen of Beeld newspaper reports that four elderly Dutch tourists were shot at enroute to their Marloth Park holiday cottage near the Kruger Wildlife Reserve and robbed of about R100,000’s worth of electronic equipment and personal documents.

Their rental car was hijacked and they were left stranded at the roadway in the pitch-dark. The attack happened at 20:30.

“It was a shocking incident but fortunately we are still alive,” said one victim, Robert Haagenaars, 66.

The group arrived on 23 November in South Africa for a countrywide tour.

Haagenaars, his wife Will Haagenaars-Segers (66), her sister Anna Segers (61) and her husband Aloysiun Verhoeven (62) were attacked at 20:30 in Plaston near the Kruger Park international airport.

Haagenaars said they had left the wildlife reserve through the Kruger gate and were enroute to the Marloth Park holiday-cottage resort via White River.

The armed gang started driving alongside the Dutch tourists in a white VW Golf and gestured for them too move over and stop.

When Verhoeven – who was driving – stepped on the gas pedal, the gangsters fired shots at them.

One of the bullets cracked open the front windshield, just missing Verhoeven’s hand and hitting the control panel,

Police later found three bullet-holes in the abandoned car, Beeld writes.

Verhoeven stopped and two armed black men jumped out and forced the four tourists from their Nissan vehicle.

“They shouted that they were looking for money,’ said Haagenaars.

After looting the Dutch of their valuables, the two armed men drove away with the Nissan and the VW Golf at high speed, back in the direction of the petrol station – leaving the tourists stranded next to the road.

They straggled to a farm house about 100m from the scene and sought help – and the police found the rental Nissan about 2km from the crime scene, abandoned next to the road.

The car had three bullet holes and police picked up a spent cartridge from a 9mm handgun at the scene.

The tourists lost all their belongings: cameras, cell phones, video cameras, handbags, wallets and personal documents.

This was the third time the Haagenaars visited South Africa. They were going to leave for Cape Town on Thursday, but will now remain in the Lowveld while they wait for another rental car and their replacement passports from the Dutch embassy.

They plan to return to the Netherlands on 18 December.

White River detective-captain Erhard Ströh said no-one has been arrested.

“Our investigation is hampered by the fact that there are no security cameras at the petrol station, ‘ said he.

Bezogen auf die WM sollte jeder Besucher sich darüber im Klaren sein, dass das größte Problem für ihn nicht die Sicherheit in den Stadien sein wird. Das größte Problem wird der sichere Transport zwischen der jeweiligen Unterkunft und dem Stadion sowie der Transport zwischen den Spielorten sein. Darüber hinaus finden die Spiele der deutschen Nationalmannschaft in Durban und Johannesburg ab 20.30 Uhr statt. Und das in einem Land, in dem Touristen davon abgeraten wird, nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit unterwegs zu sein.