Dienstag, 6. April 2010

Der Mord an einem Rassisten...

...und was daraus folgt:

A friend of mine phoned me up with a most stunning fact he has spotted in the newspapers. He used to be in Military Intelligence decades ago, and scanning newspapers was his daily job.

He told me this. He said, that according to the newspaper reports the 21 year old and the 15 year old who murdered Eugene Terreblanche, killed him AND THEN PHONED THE POLICE TO SAY THEY'VE KILLED HIM "IN SELF DEFENCE".

My friend said: Where on earth do you hear of instances, especially in South Africa, on a farm, where the murderers phone the police to say "come and get us". They have every opportunity on earth to escape and they didn't. They're young, they are in a remote area, they could very easily have melted into the townships and never been found (we have so many unsolved murders).

And, when the Police arrive they already have their story ready and the story is they killed him because he did not pay their wages.

My friend, who is no conspiracy theorist said to me: Jan, you've been saying this for YEARS... and here it is.

He was also talking that these 2 guys will get big pay-offs for the murder of Eugene. That's why they will go to jail, because they know they'll be looked after, they'll get a nice soft landing. The monies and favours have probably been agreed on for them and their families out of some secret black budget, etc. Rest assured, these guys went in there, did the job, murdered him and this was just the next step in the procedure.

Now ask yourself WHY they would want to be caught? Here's the reason: It is utterly crucial that they carry out the next step in the plan which is: ANC RACE HATE PROPAGANDA AGAINST AFRIKANERS AND WHITES BY WAY OF USING EUGENE TERREBLANCHE AS THE EXAMPLE.

So now the newspapers and court rooms will be filled with the following line, which goes: "We poor blacks are constantly being abused by these racist, white Afrikaner trash, and (sob) poor us, we were so poor and this horrible man refused to pay us... and in desperation we killed him because we have had enough of this endless abuse by these racist white scum. (more sobs)" Then everyone goes: "Tut, tut..." shame poor black guys... that piece of white racist sh*t DESERVED TO DIE... he got what he rightfully DESERVED.


Gruß, Michael

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