Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2009

KW 51/1

Moin zusammen,

immer mehr weiße südafrikanische Liberale, die sich aktiv für das Ende des Apartheid-Regimes eingesetzt haben, geben zu, dass sie einer Illusion erlegen sind:

The rainbow is a shattered mirror
Written by Breyten Breytenbach

After 1994, for a period, there was an inclusive will to unite around the dream of a new nationhood that could embody the morality of forgiveness and even perhaps mutual trust, but it quickly drifted into the sewer of betrayed expectations and predator politics, of fear and uninhibited greed, immorality and racism. Nothing was done to promote inclusiveness. How then could “healing” have taken place?
After the initial transitional phase of cohesiveness it quickly became clear that the One Nation as a promised land would be directed by hegemonic Black Nationalism and a deep desire to excise the past and rewrite history. In practice, the ruling party’s demand that “it is now our time, it is our turn to eat” – which manipulates nationalism based on skin colour as the last refuge of the scoundrel and a way to excise the past – means the ruthless enrichment of deployed cadres to the disadvantage of the remainder of the population.
This “disadvantage” – impoverishment and lack of service delivery – has now made the country hostage to crime and ethnic populism. And everyday reality makes it increasingly clear that it is expected of Afrikaners to transfer their skills, farms, schools, banking cards, shares, cell phones, arms, liquor, and gardening tools, quietly, in guilt, before they themselves disappear from Africa and history, and that they have no moral right to object to their fate.


Jetzt fangen die schwarzen Gangster auch noch an, ihren weißen Opfern die Augen auszustechen:

Brutal attack on eye surgeon

The couple's daughter, Hannelie Warren, said on Monday they also tried to gouge out her dad's eyes. The robbers apparently said they didn’t want him to see again and identify them to the police.

Freitag, 11. Dezember 2009

KW 50/2

Moin zusammen.

Schauen wir heute einmal auf Südafrikas Nachbarn, Zimbabwe. Vor zehn Jahren konnte sich niemand auch nur im Entferntesten vorstellen, was heute Realität ist. Wenn sich nicht schnellstens etwas in Südafrika ändert, werden wir das in zwölf Jahren auch über Südafrika sagen. Wer wettet dagegen?

Absolute poverty, total tyranny – why are we still talking?


Written by The Zimbabwean
Wednesday, 09 December 2009 10:21
It is now ten years since the collapse of the Zimbabwe economy got underway
in earnest, writes EDDIE CROSS. It actually started in 1997. but only really
began to slide two years later when the effect of policy changes took root.
It is perhaps time that we looked back on this lost decade and ask ourselves
what sort of price have we paid?
The numbers are astonishing – if you assume an average potential growth of
five per cent in GDP over this decade, then the actual cost in terms of lost
GDP earnings is more than $76 billion. In human terms, life expectancies
have halved and over three million people have died at a younger age than
they would have died in the decade before. In human terms, the collapse has
been nothing short of a catastrophe – a third of our population has left the
country – nearly four million going to neighbouring states. About half a
million people have lost their jobs and nearly two million people displaced
Absolute poverty is now the norm, with average Zimbabweans receiving less
that a dollar a day on which to subsist – the international measure of
living below the level required for essential needs. This is confirmed by
the fact that over 70 per cent of the national population was being supplied
with their basic food needs at the beginning of this year.
On Sunday, I attended a meeting where I was told of an incident where a
woman encountered a man who was clearly insane wandering about a shopping
centre. She was told he was a former member of the security forces who had
been involved in torture. I understand there are thousands who are haunted
by the crimes they have committed under state direction.
The consequences of the genocide in many areas of Matabeleland have not been
addressed and remain a shadow over many communities. So too the effects of
Murambatsvina in 1995, when 1.2 million people were displaced by a state
campaign to force people back into the rural areas. Thousands died in the
aftermath and hundreds of thousands are still homeless.
All of these are the consequences of a political tyranny that has sought to
defend its hold on power and privilege. While the country slid into poverty
and collapse accompanied by joblessness, homelessness and despair, a small
minority who came to power in 1980, have become wealthy beyond their
imaginings. They shop in Dubai and Johannesburg and holiday on the ski
slopes of Europe. Their children go to the finest universities and schools
in the world. Many have homes in Zimbabwe that would do the wealthy in the
West proud.
They conduct a clever and professional campaign to cover up their crimes. In
offices in Toronto, London, Washington and Johannesburg, highly paid experts
counter the attempts by the victims in Zimbabwe to tell their stories.
Dozens of websites spew out their propaganda and people with false names
correspond across the globe.
Inside Zimbabwe, they are terrified of any independent sources of news and
Attempts to reform the media and allow new broadcasting and TV channels have
been met with total resistance even though they agreed to the reforms in the
Only 12 per cent of the reforms negotiated over two years under the
facilitation of SADC have been implemented in nine months of political
squabbling. No progress on democratic conditions for elections, no progress
on the rule of law, freedom of assembly and association, no progress on the
enforcement of contract law and respect for property rights, no progress on
media reform. Instead we are faced with a flood of propaganda about “pirate”
radio stations, “sanctions” (shopping restrictions) and “regime change”; as
if elections are not all about regime change by democratic means.
In place of real reform we continue to see harassment of the political
opposition, illegal arrests and prosecution, the use of the legal system,
(not for justice) as a mean of suppression.
Political violence continues across the country with thousands of militia
deployed and active, and communities fearful of a knock on the door at
midnight. We are waiting, like everyone, for some news of the discussions
that have been taking place over the past two weeks. These talks were not
about negotiations – they were about a timetable for implementing what all
the parties have already agreed and signed up to in the GPA. Why they have
taken so long is a mystery to me – what is there to talk about? They signed
up to the deal; all that remains is to get on with the job of implementing
the agreement and in full.
It is obvious that once again we in the MDC are being asked to compromise.
Quite frankly it is difficult to see any reason why we should. We won the
2008 election – hands down, we clearly control two-thirds of the country
through local authorities. Everyone knows full well that in a genuine
election with free and fair conditions that the opposition to the MDC would
be miniscule. We have suffered under a tyranny for 30 years. Believe me, we
are quite prepared to suffer for a bit longer if at the end we can elect a
leadership that we can trust with our future under a system that will allow
us to dismiss them if they fail us or abuse our trust. After all that is
what democracy is all about.

Montag, 7. Dezember 2009

KW 50/1

Moin zusammen,

jetzt, wo alles für die WM gerüstet scheint, sollte man sich jedoch nicht von der vielleicht einsetzenden Vorfreude auf schönen Fußball mitreißen lassen, denn...

…an den realen Lebensbedingungen in Südafrika hat sich nicht geändert. Es hat sich auch nichts daran geändert, dass Berichte, wie der nachfolgende, von der englischsprachigen Presse überhaupt nicht erwartet werden können, da sie als „nestbeschmutzerisch“ aufgefasst werden können, und das wird von der Politik nicht so gern gesehen.

Robbers shoot at tourists

Another one of those small incidences of crime in South Africa, which is only reported in Afrikaans.

The question begs, why?

Below is a translation of the article.

Marloth Park, 2009-12-02

Buks Viljoen of Beeld newspaper reports that four elderly Dutch tourists were shot at enroute to their Marloth Park holiday cottage near the Kruger Wildlife Reserve and robbed of about R100,000’s worth of electronic equipment and personal documents.

Their rental car was hijacked and they were left stranded at the roadway in the pitch-dark. The attack happened at 20:30.

“It was a shocking incident but fortunately we are still alive,” said one victim, Robert Haagenaars, 66.

The group arrived on 23 November in South Africa for a countrywide tour.

Haagenaars, his wife Will Haagenaars-Segers (66), her sister Anna Segers (61) and her husband Aloysiun Verhoeven (62) were attacked at 20:30 in Plaston near the Kruger Park international airport.

Haagenaars said they had left the wildlife reserve through the Kruger gate and were enroute to the Marloth Park holiday-cottage resort via White River.

The armed gang started driving alongside the Dutch tourists in a white VW Golf and gestured for them too move over and stop.

When Verhoeven – who was driving – stepped on the gas pedal, the gangsters fired shots at them.

One of the bullets cracked open the front windshield, just missing Verhoeven’s hand and hitting the control panel,

Police later found three bullet-holes in the abandoned car, Beeld writes.

Verhoeven stopped and two armed black men jumped out and forced the four tourists from their Nissan vehicle.

“They shouted that they were looking for money,’ said Haagenaars.

After looting the Dutch of their valuables, the two armed men drove away with the Nissan and the VW Golf at high speed, back in the direction of the petrol station – leaving the tourists stranded next to the road.

They straggled to a farm house about 100m from the scene and sought help – and the police found the rental Nissan about 2km from the crime scene, abandoned next to the road.

The car had three bullet holes and police picked up a spent cartridge from a 9mm handgun at the scene.

The tourists lost all their belongings: cameras, cell phones, video cameras, handbags, wallets and personal documents.

This was the third time the Haagenaars visited South Africa. They were going to leave for Cape Town on Thursday, but will now remain in the Lowveld while they wait for another rental car and their replacement passports from the Dutch embassy.

They plan to return to the Netherlands on 18 December.

White River detective-captain Erhard Ströh said no-one has been arrested.

“Our investigation is hampered by the fact that there are no security cameras at the petrol station, ‘ said he.

Bezogen auf die WM sollte jeder Besucher sich darüber im Klaren sein, dass das größte Problem für ihn nicht die Sicherheit in den Stadien sein wird. Das größte Problem wird der sichere Transport zwischen der jeweiligen Unterkunft und dem Stadion sowie der Transport zwischen den Spielorten sein. Darüber hinaus finden die Spiele der deutschen Nationalmannschaft in Durban und Johannesburg ab 20.30 Uhr statt. Und das in einem Land, in dem Touristen davon abgeraten wird, nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit unterwegs zu sein.

Mittwoch, 18. November 2009

KW 47/2


Aus einem Kommentar zum nachstehenden BBC-Bericht:
It has to be one of the more terrifying crimes in South Africa. Hijackings. It's also one of the few times when YOU are the focus of the crime and guaranteed to be faced with several savages pointing guns at your face.

It was in fact the way a close friend of mine was murdered. Shot in the head. His mother was in the passenger seat. Age 29. An up and coming lawyer and one of the reasons that motivated me to leave the country.

I myself came close on three occasions. One incident involved bullets being fired at my car with my pregnant wife and two baby sons. My decision to leave was clinched that night. The country lost another entrepreneur, my engineering skills and definitely the 300 jobs that went when I closed the business. That's just me, one story. Mine was a failed hijacking so it didn't count. The police weren't interested in opening a case. It went unrecorded.

But there were 14,915 successful hijackings committed last year, and a similar amount before that, and before that, and before that. That's 41 hijackings EVERY single day. That's 41 stories much scarier than mine.

I was lucky, many are not. What use is having money, a relatively good life when it can be snuffed out in seconds? I recall my 9 year old telling me to lock the car doors when we would get into the car because he was scared of being hijacked. I remember feeling floored when he said those words. Are those the thoughts that should concern a 9-year old? What kind of future was he going to have? This woman survived. I guess she's back in the game of Russian roulette that is life in South Africa. Or she can decide to sit it out. We all have choices.

In a reply to another parliamentary question, Kohler-Barnard said the opposition party discovered that lost and stolen police dockets amounted to 57%.


How to avoid being shot by the police
Now that Deputy Police Minister Fikile Mbalula says innocent people will unavoidably be shot dead by the police, there are a few simple precautions we can all take if we and our families wish to stay alive.
Hinweis auf die Kommentare.


34 Plätze runter seit 1995
Corruption - SA ranked 55

Montag, 16. November 2009

KW 47/1

Moin zusammen.

Das Dauerthema “Kriminalität”:
Hijack victim survives 60m fall
He and his wife, Anika, rushed to Durban shortly after 22:00 on Friday night to launch a frantic search for their missing daughter after her friend called to tell them Kavisha failed to arrive to visit her as they had arranged.

Crime epidemic drives emmigration

Johannesburg Int. Airport

South African Armed Robbery


When it’s too dangerous to voice an opinion. 

2010 jobs bonanza ends
Tens of thousands of people face a bleak Christmas as 2010 projects and upgrades near completion. In KwaZulu-Natal, many people have already lost their jobs as work on the Moses Mabhida Stadium winds down, although construction at La Mercy Airport continues apace.


Und nun die Rubrik “Man glaubt es kaum!”
Crime to 'boost' SA economy
Johannesburg - Cannabis farming now forms an official part of the agricultural sector, even if illegal. It will be included in future calculations of the gross domestic product (GDP).

SAPS defends discrimination against white policewoman
"We weren't racially discriminating against her, we just couldn't promote her because she had the wrong skin colour"

Freitag, 13. November 2009

KW 46/2

Moin zusammen,

die DA hat einmal zusammengestellt, wie gut sich das Land in den Jahren seit der Machtübernahme durch den ANC wirklich entwickelt hat:
How South Africa is really performing - DA
The indices which South Africa slipped down most dramatically are:
·                     Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (Timms) (down 25 places)
·                     Global peace Index (24)
·                     Failed States Index (19)
·                     The Network Readiness Index (18)
Quelle: DA


Why Sowetan's don't pay for electricity 

The work of the SECC means only 20% of households pay their bills

Quelle: Politicsweb


Und nun zum Dauerthema Kriminalität:
SA minister defends shoot-to-kill
South Africa's deputy police minister has stood by his force's tough, shoot-to-kill policy, days after a three-year-old boy was shot dead by officers.
SA police chief condemns shooting
South Africa's police chief has condemned the shooting of a three-year-old boy by an officer.
Quelle: BBC
Zuma tells SA police to get tough
"We have an abnormal criminal problem, for that we have to explore extraordinary means," he told a meeting of 1,000 police station commanders.
The new law would allow police to shoot even if criminals have not fired first.
Are South African police trigger happy?
The outrage over the shooting this week of a South African toddler has led some to question the government's new strategy to fight crime.
Farm attacks claim more lives than Afghan war
Hijack victim lucky to be alive
Quelle: IOL

Mittwoch, 11. November 2009

KW 46/1

Moin zusammen,

in den nachstehenden Filmen geht es um den Zustand des öffentlichen Bildungswesens in Südafrika.Teil 1 und

Von Polizisten in der Polizeistation vergewaltigt:
'I knew I was going to be raped'
Allegedly raped in a police station toilet, turned away from laying a charge at another police station and then refused help by a district surgeon - a Pretoria mother is now asking whether she will ever see justice.

After police dragged their heels for nearly a month, the 29-year-old mother and her attorney, in desperation, turned to the police watchdog, the Independent Complaints Directorate (ICD).


Freitag, 6. November 2009

KW 45/4

Moin zusammen,

in Südafrika ist eine weitere bedenkliche Entwicklung im Gange, nämlich der Versuch, vor der WM die kritische Berichterstattung über die unsägliche Gewaltkriminalität im Lande zu ersticken.

An embargo has been placed on police stations providing media with crime reports. This was reportedly done to divert attention from crime when foreign visitors consider attending the FIFA World Cup next year.

Bedenklicher noch erscheint mir die Festnahme mehrerer rechter Blogger, der Beschlagnahme ihrer Rechner und der späteren Freilassung ohne jegliche Anklagerhebung. Hier versucht die Regierung höchstwahrscheinlich, Angst zu erzeugen. Ab 1999 ging es in Zimbabwe ähnlich los: Zunächst der Versuch die freie Berichterstattung durch Gesetze einzuschränken, was jedoch erst gelang, nachdem die unabhängigen Richter aus dem Amt genötigt worden waren. Nachdem dies erledigt war, wurde die unabhängige Presse durch Sprengung ihrer Produktionsmittel ausgeschaltet. Das Web war und ist für die Meinungsbildung der Zimbabwer im Lande nicht nutzbar.

Anders sieht es in Südafrika aus. Hier hat das Web sowohl im Lande selbst als auch für die Information der übrigen Welt durchaus Relevanz. Dadurch und durch die zunehmende Aufmerksamkeit der Welt im Vorfeld der WM sind diese Blogs wegen ihrer ungeschminkten Feststellungen, insbesondere hinsichtlich der unvorstellbaren Grausamkeit, mit der Weiße häufig zu Tode gefoltert werden, wenn es nur um eine Stereoanlage und ein Auto geht, eine Gefahr für die südafrikanische Regierung.

Die Zugriffszahlen der diversen Blogs steigen, und sie beginnen Relevanz über ihren rechten bis extrem rechten Stammleserkreis hinaus zu gewinnen. Ich sehe die Vorgänge als den Versuch, die Büchse der Pandora wieder zu schließen.
South African government cracks down on critical bloggers
In the last two days people from a few websites and blogs that are critical of the ANC led government has been arrested, three of which we know have been released with no charges made against them.
It is clear that the South African government is cracking down on bloggers that are critical of the way they run the country and they want to censor the information these bloggers and websites give out.
One of these are Zasucks where the blogger Uhuru Guru was arrested, spent the night in jail and was released with no charges. No word if he got his computer equipment back that was confiscated.
At another site Boerevryheid.co.za another two bloggers got arrested, their equipment taken and was later released without charges, also no word if they got their equipment back. A lot of people claim that this is because South Africa wants the bad publicity to stop before the 2010 soccer world cup but instead of dealing with the crime directly they now try to scare these bloggers as some would say into shock.
Another blogger of Boer Freedom has been arrested, also this time no charges after spending some time in jail. Some claim this is because they blog about the "boer genocide" that is taking place in South Africa.
Whatever the reason, the government is kicking down doors and arresting people that are critical of them.


Crime bloggers in South Africa arrested, update, balanced view

This was written by Adriana Stuijt (Censorbugbear) and gives us a balanced view on the events of the bloggers being arrested in South Africa.
Was one of South Africa’s most vitriolic rage-bloggers arrested because there’s a crack-down on anti-crime bloggers? Or is something else at play?
November 5 2009. With an appeal now being heard in the Canadian law courts about the Brandon Huntley asylum-seeking case and with the FIFA World Cup 2010 tournaments getting ever closer, a number of bloggers who highlight the South African crime epidemics have had their computers confiscated since yesterday. One particularly vitriolic blogger, Uhuru Guru of the site ZA Sucks, was arrested and jailed for a night and released the next day without charges.
However things aren’t nearly as crystal clear as may be presented by the arrested blogger. He’s an IT-businessman who publishes his hard-hitting and often very crude and deeply angry commentary about the SA crime situation on his rage-site http://www.zasucks.com/ . We confirmed that he was arrested by a Captain v.d. L. and held in an overnight police prison cell last night.  However – he was set free without any charges the next day, with the senior state prosecutor noting that he was picked up for a nineteen-year-old crimen-injuria complaint which had not even been properly investigated – and that he thus refused to put it on the Court roll. His relatives and friends  say that he was arrested just to ‘punish’ him for criticising the South African government -- to throw him in the infamously filthy and often dangerous police cells and spend a night with hardened criminals in jail. They also publicly named a well-known conservative, a Mr Fred Rundle, as having turned him in to the police:  Read: http://www.zasucks.com/?p=6344
New information:
However, new information has now come to light – and things may not be all as they were presented. This case may instead involve a formal charge lodged by Rundle, involving suspected internet identity theft.  I have received a communication to this effect from Rundle – the man who was accused by UG of having turned him in to the police – and which I publish partially with Mr Rundle’s permission in the interest of presenting a balanced view. One must bear in mind that this is an ongoing investigation by the police and that thus many details have to be omitted in order to follow the ‘sub-judice’ rule:
I do publish some details however in the interest of providing a balanced report. In the end, the guilt or innocence of these warring parties will have to be decided not by the readers of these blogs – but by the law courts, depending on what the police find on these confiscated computers. I will however try and present the facts as they are now known to me at this moment.  If new facts come to light, I will publish those too – as long as they remain inside the legally-permitted bounds of publication, of course.
Email from Fred Rundle to Adriana Stuijt
Subject: Uhuru Guru
Nov 5 2009. "My name is Fred Rundle. I value the my good name and I have been invited by many organisations to address them. I do not smoke or drink and I live a very clean and disciplined life. I was the Johannesburg leader of the Volksfront and also the Witwatersrand Regional Chairman of the Conservative Party. I stood in 3 elections as a candidate, paying for everything out of my own pocket. I spoke at the United Nations in Geneva in 1995, appealing to them to recognise my people as indigenous people in South Africa.
 “I have noted how Doodler  (name deleted since the case is sub-judice) is trying to sweep up emotions about his brother Uhuru Guru to evoke sympathy for him. The facts are totally different to what they are trying to make everybody believe. Uhuru Guru was the man who repaired my computer and we became friends.  He subsequently apparently was able to take over my email address fredrundle@gmail.com  as well as my Facebook blog site - since I could no longer access either. My grandchildren then brought my attention to my Facebook and told me to 'delete the filth from it'. I was unable to do so…  I then contacted a very good computer-literate friend, and he managed to get my email and my Facebook back for me. Out of desperation, I decided to contact the police to clear my good name. I had no other option but to take the action I did. The following Facebook is my authorised blog:” http://www.facebook.com/reqs.php#/profile.php?id=1289378575&ref=pymk     Fred Rundle  “
Shockwaves among SA bloggers:
This arrest and the confiscation of other computers owned by Witwatersrand bloggers yesterday, have however sent shockwaves throughout the South African cyber-community – and this indicates that there may well be more behind this story  – and that the Rundle complaint may just have been used as an excuse to start sweeping these pesky bloggers off South African cyberspace.
They have all been focusing most of their efforts on highlighting the country’s horrendously deadly crime-rate – which is the worst in the world and they have every right to complain.
There are hundreds of blogs out there, all reporting details of the horrendous South African crime-epidemic, in various degrees of rage and anger. Some also call for the boycot of the WC2010 – indeed a quest I also support, since I believe it is irresponsible to let so many tens of thousands of hapless tourists walk into such a dangerous community with so many tens of thousands of armed criminal gangs, all looking to loot them in any way they can…. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1026941238&ref=name#/note.php?note_id=193643924807&ref=mf
The blogger Uhuru Guru was arrested by, according to a relative,  “a massive contingent of police from no less than five different specialist units, ranging from Organised Crime, Cyber crime, vehicle theft, etc; “ who raided his home and confiscated all his computer equipment. “
Dr Dan Roodt of PRAAG noted on their website that “PRAAG had been notified some days ago out of a source within the ANC that a group of white Afrikaners within the police services had to motivate their own budgets and jobs due to transformation pressure by spying on a fictive ‘right-wing danger’.  Praag writes: “Apparently the ANC regime has decided to embark on a hard-handed approach against websites which highlight the country’s problems such as crime and suppression of minorities. An anonymous campaign has also been carried out at the LitNet site against the South Africa Sucks’ crime reports.” http://www.praag.co.za/nuus-magazine-402/suider-afrika-magazine-400/6304-ystervuis-teen-webwerwe.html
Can SA apply the label ‘liberal democracy?”
Dr. Roodt has published a statement declaring that there are ‘no links between PRAAG and South Africa Sucks. “While SAS’s main focus is on crime and South Africa’s racial problems, our site, www.praag.co.za, wants to remain an independent, cultured cybernews source which inform readers about many subjects and provide fearless but dignified commentary. However while the facts about crime in South Africa are being reported correctly on South Africa Sucks, they also maintain a polemic and defiant tone which is not our style. At the same time it is Uhuru Guru’s good right – provided South Africa is a democracy with freedom of speech – to do so. The present incidents however makes one doubt whether South Africa can apply the label of a ‘liberal democracy’ any longer.’

Donnerstag, 5. November 2009

KW 45/3

Moin zusammen.

So sieht es in Südafrika aus:

Woman survives shot to the head by armed gang:

Saartjie Koen was meant to die. A robber had grabbed her around the neck, put a pistol to her head and pulled the trigger.

Instead the bullet grazed Koen's skull, knocking her to the ground. Her assailants grabbed her handbag, then ran off, one of them pausing to kick her in the head as he made his escape.

The robbery, captured on closed-circuit television, took less than a minute from the time Koen drove into the car park to when the three robbers climbed back into their white VW Golf.

Miraculously, Koen, 60, who was left lying in the driveway, was alive after being shot three times in the leg, arm and head.

Two months later Koen is still recovering, but no one has been arrested for the robbery that took place in Silverton, Tshwane. It is for this reason that her husband Hannes opted to hire a private investigator.

Now Daryl Els, of Christian Botha Investigations, believes he is on the trail of a gang of robbers who operate from Tembisa and specialise in what police refer to as associated robberies.

This involves robbing victims after they leave a bank having withdrawn a large amount of cash. The gang has, over several months, targeted Pretoria's eastern suburbs. Els wants to talk to an 18-year-old woman called Nombuso Nkosi who he believes could have information about the robbery. She lives in Tembisa.

In August, Koen, on her way to work, was followed from a Silverton branch of Absa Bank after she had withdrawn R50 000. Afterwards she drove to her family business, Trio Trade. As she parked her car, she didn't notice the white Golf pull up outside the gate.

One of the men knocked out the security guard.

"As I was getting out of the car, the two were on me. They didn't talk, they just shot," Koen recalled.

One of the robbers fired twice, hitting Koen in the right leg and left arm. The man tried to grab her handbag, but Koen fought back. Then his accomplice came up behind her, put his arm around her neck and shot her.

Just metres away, in his office, Hannes saw what was happening. He saw the gun pushed against her head, and a puff of smoke as the bullet left the barrel. "At that moment I thought she was dead," he said. But Koen was conscious.

"I was fine. I was screaming 'please help'. There was blood streaming from me," she said. Seconds later, her husband rushed her to hospital.

What can be seen in the CCTV footage is another vehicle, believed to be a white Toyota Venture, following the Golf.

"The Venture probably had the spotter, who identified the target," said Els.

The usual modus operandi is that the spotter watches out for a target in the bank, then leaves the bank and passes on the information to the robbers, who commit the crime.

Police say associated robberies are on the increase, as criminals are finding bank customers softer targets than cash-in-transit vans.

They are also more violent.

Police believe the gang that tried to kill Koen is probably the same one operating from Tembisa responsible for a spate of robberies. The gang is believed to have more than 20 members.

Koen will go into surgery on November 13. She hopes to regain full use of her wrist.

She hasn't seen the CCTV footage of the robbery - and doesn't know if she wants to.


KW 45/2

Moin zusammen.

Zunächst wieder einmal zur Polizei:
'Drunk' cops gun down sweets seller
A Pretoria sweets vendor was shot dead by two apparently drunk Pretoria police officers when he demanded that they pay for sweets they allegedly took from him.
So kann man die Mordstatistiken langsam aber sicher nach unten bringen:
Shot man 'died of natural causes'
Pretoria - The death certificate of an auto electrician who was killed three weeks ago when he was shot in the heart by armed robbers in front of his family, states that he died of natural causes.
Das scheint öfter vorzukommen:
In reaction to your report on the deceased Mr Henry Locke, I would like to mention that my husband was murdered on 14 July 2009 in our home in Raslouw, a small holding area. My husband was shot during a house robbery. His death certificate ALSO states that he had died from ‘natural causes’.”
“I get the impression that such “mistakes” are being made deliberately to obscure the true facts, and to subvert crime statistics. In a previous letter to Beeld I wrote that the docket dealing with my husband’s death states that it was a ‘house robbery’ (instead of house robbery and murder -WSAS ed). Three months after having conducted the post mortem and enquiry, no report is yet available. Such “mistakes” are being pointed out by the media, but alas, everything is being swept under the carpet”.
Original Afrikaans letter to Beeld here
“Wir sind wütend! Lasst uns etwas zerstören!” – Die zukünftige Elite Südafrikas zeigt, wie sie Südafrika in der Zukunft gestalten will! Einfach nur krank!

More cops deployed to trashed varsity
A student mob burned and trashed parts of the University of Zululand yesterday, resulting in tens of millions of rands in damage.
Einer der Kommentare:
Clearly the students at the University causing such distruction should be running in the wild like the animals that they are and not in a civilised academic institution! What a marvellous impression they give of "South Africans"!
In Südafrikas Armee kommt ein General auf 293 Soldaten! Kreisch!

Die Nachfolger einer Armee, die einmal kurz vor Luanda stand und auch nicht von den Kubanern und Russen besiegt werden konnte.

Nearly half of SA army not fit for combat
More than half of South Africa's 76 000 soldiers are medically unfit and the SANDF is in a "serious crisis", according to a briefing by the department of defence. And several independent reports indicate that up to 60 percent of soldiers could be HIV-positive.

Dienstag, 3. November 2009

KW 45/1

Moin zusammen,

Couple survives farm attack
Two men were arrested for allegedly attacking an elderly couple in Limpopo when they arrived at their farm after church, their daughter said on Monday.

Izak and Marrianne Jansen van Vuuren were confronted on Sunday morning as they tried to open the gate to their farm in Marken, near Lephalale.

Anel Jansen van Rensburg said her parents drove their bakkie up to their gate. Marrianne alighted to open it.

"My mother struggled to open the gate, so my father climbed out of his bakkie to help her.

"While doing this they were hailed by two men who had their hands behind their backs. The men said they were looking for work. My father told them to leave. But the two men kept approaching and the next moment one of the men hit him in the face."

The men were armed with a hammer, a baton and an axe and beat the father "mercilessly".

"My mother managed to get back to their vehicle as Mr Jansen van Rensburg screamed to her to drive away, which she did.

"Somehow the men managed to catch up with the vehicle and brought both my mother and the vehicle back to where my father was lying.

"My father was tied onto the back of the bakkie, while the two suspects climbed into the cabin with my mother between them."

The attackers lost control of the vehicle, drove off the road, crashed through bushes and a fence and stalled.

Izak had managed to free himself and jumped out and ran, throwing stones at the two, who abandoned Marrianne and the bakkie to chase him. He made it to a neighbour's farm and help was summoned.

"Before the police even reacted, neighbours with private planes were already searching the area from the air."

Izak was taken to Moropong hospital in Lephalale and later transferred to HF Verwoerd hospital in Pretoria. The injuries to his face were so extensive he would need plastic surgery.

The two men were expected to appear in a local court soon. – Sapa Quelle

In diesem Zusammenhang ein Kommentar:
A bakkie is a pickup-truck. Look at this farm attack. The Blacks just won't leave us alone. A friend of mine in Johannesburg had blacks bash into his house the other day. They brought a truck and ripped his steel gate out. (The gate was secure and you could not lift it up off the rails). They ripped out the gate, came into his house. His daughter was inside and they locked her in a cupboard. They stole all his computer equipment and anything of value. The things too bulky to carry out they smashed to pieces. Apparently, this gang has been on a rampage in the Western suburbs of Johannesburg for the last month.

Presseberichte über Polizeiübergriffe auf Weiße häufen sich:

'F**k you, sit down and shut up'
A Bedfordview man believes he was sworn at, roughed up and jailed by three Ekurhuleni metro police officers because he is white. His wife, he said, was sworn at and pushed against a counter by an Ekurhuleni metro police officer, who also mishandled her in full view of SAPS members at the Olifantsfontein police station. “It’s about race. Why allow someone to attack a white woman in a police station and do nothing about it? The way he spoke to her makes us sure that it was racists,” Donovan Whittle said.Quelle

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In a serious collapse of policing-authority, two senior Afrikaner cops were arrested by junior police-reservists for insisting on a thorough accident-scene investigation…

‘Education system worse than under apartheid’ Quelle

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