Donnerstag, 5. November 2009

KW 45/2

Moin zusammen.

Zunächst wieder einmal zur Polizei:
'Drunk' cops gun down sweets seller
A Pretoria sweets vendor was shot dead by two apparently drunk Pretoria police officers when he demanded that they pay for sweets they allegedly took from him.
So kann man die Mordstatistiken langsam aber sicher nach unten bringen:
Shot man 'died of natural causes'
Pretoria - The death certificate of an auto electrician who was killed three weeks ago when he was shot in the heart by armed robbers in front of his family, states that he died of natural causes.
Das scheint öfter vorzukommen:
In reaction to your report on the deceased Mr Henry Locke, I would like to mention that my husband was murdered on 14 July 2009 in our home in Raslouw, a small holding area. My husband was shot during a house robbery. His death certificate ALSO states that he had died from ‘natural causes’.”
“I get the impression that such “mistakes” are being made deliberately to obscure the true facts, and to subvert crime statistics. In a previous letter to Beeld I wrote that the docket dealing with my husband’s death states that it was a ‘house robbery’ (instead of house robbery and murder -WSAS ed). Three months after having conducted the post mortem and enquiry, no report is yet available. Such “mistakes” are being pointed out by the media, but alas, everything is being swept under the carpet”.
Original Afrikaans letter to Beeld here
“Wir sind wütend! Lasst uns etwas zerstören!” – Die zukünftige Elite Südafrikas zeigt, wie sie Südafrika in der Zukunft gestalten will! Einfach nur krank!

More cops deployed to trashed varsity
A student mob burned and trashed parts of the University of Zululand yesterday, resulting in tens of millions of rands in damage.
Einer der Kommentare:
Clearly the students at the University causing such distruction should be running in the wild like the animals that they are and not in a civilised academic institution! What a marvellous impression they give of "South Africans"!
In Südafrikas Armee kommt ein General auf 293 Soldaten! Kreisch!

Die Nachfolger einer Armee, die einmal kurz vor Luanda stand und auch nicht von den Kubanern und Russen besiegt werden konnte.

Nearly half of SA army not fit for combat
More than half of South Africa's 76 000 soldiers are medically unfit and the SANDF is in a "serious crisis", according to a briefing by the department of defence. And several independent reports indicate that up to 60 percent of soldiers could be HIV-positive.

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