Mittwoch, 18. November 2009

KW 47/2


Aus einem Kommentar zum nachstehenden BBC-Bericht:
It has to be one of the more terrifying crimes in South Africa. Hijackings. It's also one of the few times when YOU are the focus of the crime and guaranteed to be faced with several savages pointing guns at your face.

It was in fact the way a close friend of mine was murdered. Shot in the head. His mother was in the passenger seat. Age 29. An up and coming lawyer and one of the reasons that motivated me to leave the country.

I myself came close on three occasions. One incident involved bullets being fired at my car with my pregnant wife and two baby sons. My decision to leave was clinched that night. The country lost another entrepreneur, my engineering skills and definitely the 300 jobs that went when I closed the business. That's just me, one story. Mine was a failed hijacking so it didn't count. The police weren't interested in opening a case. It went unrecorded.

But there were 14,915 successful hijackings committed last year, and a similar amount before that, and before that, and before that. That's 41 hijackings EVERY single day. That's 41 stories much scarier than mine.

I was lucky, many are not. What use is having money, a relatively good life when it can be snuffed out in seconds? I recall my 9 year old telling me to lock the car doors when we would get into the car because he was scared of being hijacked. I remember feeling floored when he said those words. Are those the thoughts that should concern a 9-year old? What kind of future was he going to have? This woman survived. I guess she's back in the game of Russian roulette that is life in South Africa. Or she can decide to sit it out. We all have choices.

In a reply to another parliamentary question, Kohler-Barnard said the opposition party discovered that lost and stolen police dockets amounted to 57%.


How to avoid being shot by the police
Now that Deputy Police Minister Fikile Mbalula says innocent people will unavoidably be shot dead by the police, there are a few simple precautions we can all take if we and our families wish to stay alive.
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34 Plätze runter seit 1995
Corruption - SA ranked 55

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