Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2009

KW 40/1

South Africa: An open letter to Melissa Steyn and her liberal friends in response to their open letter to the Canadian Government

Date Posted: Wednesday 30-Sep-2009
Ms. Steyn,

As a White South African victim of black racist crime and consequently an expat, I am outraged by the absolute tripe that you and your friends/colleagues have put forward by way of an open letter to the Canadian Government in respect of the Brandon Huntley asylum application case and would in turn, by way of an open letter to yourselves put you to the honest, objective scrutiny of your conviction.

First of all, how dare you, how dare you, diminish, obfuscate and basically dismiss the 3084 white farmers murdered by black, not white; black assailants in and on their farms usually by way of extreme brutality that has included torture by way of multiple rape, burning with boiling water, burning with firebrands, glass shoved into female genitalia, prolonged beatings and finally brutal death?

And I ask you this question against the ongoing chants by masses of blacks at most political or even for that matter, other gatherings of “Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer” which was a core politicisation tactic of the ANC electioneering campaign prior to the first “Democratic Elections” in South Africa that saw the installation of the ANC “government” which today enforces “fair and equitable” BEE and AA, which I would remind you has virtually totally excluded whites and is a study in ineptitude, incompetence, corruption and excesses, personal enrichment and outright thievery that not only beggars belief, but is an example of your statement regarding blacks who have been placed in positions to “prove their worth” being put to the proof thereof.

I would ask you Ms Steyn, what you think any thinking white farmer is to understand by this chant of “Kill the Boer, Kill the farmer” after these 3084 murders? Are we to believe that this particularly inflammatory, confrontational black racist chant is actually a benign ditty reserved for congenial campfire gatherings of ageing Umkhonto we Sizwe veterans enjoying the fruits of a South African Utopia where black reprisals and black backlashes against the white minority in South Africa are not constantly being effected, threatened or shoved down our throats?

What about the 3084 farmers that have been murdered Ms Steyn? Have you any experience of the sheer brutality with which every one of these murders has been executed? Have you any concept of the terror that was inflicted on these farmers? Can you get your mind around what an elderly man must feel as he is forced to watch his elderly wife, his lifelong partner being brutalised, beaten and then gang raped by black racist attackers before being killed in front of his very eyes before he himself is murdered by these black racist killers who all the while utter violent racial abuse and epithets which they often leave smeared on the walls of the sanctuaries of their white victims in the blood of their victims?

This is documented stuff Ms Steyn, it is on record, there is photographic evidence, it has been reported in newspapers – you should try and read it sometime. I further ask you this question against the reams and reams of documented reports of attacks on white farmers by black racist attackers who openly admit that they attacked and killed white farmers to drive them off the land and because they were white? Would you not say that this is an echo of what Robert Mugabe did with white farmers in Zimbabwe and is Robert Mugabe not held with absolute adulation and hero worship by the general black population in South Africa and is this adulation not a fair reflection of the general sentiment of the broader black population in SA?

Given these few considerations alone, for you to declare by way of an open letter to the legitimate government of a Sovereign Country that whites are not being persecuted in South Africa because they are white is at best just plain ignorant and at worst denialist which in turn makes you and your protagonists apologists for the brutal reprisals that are being waged against white civilians in South Africa every day.

I could unpack this further Ms Steyn but I would like to ask you about the ANC’s black racist chant of “One Settler, One Bullet” that since the first “democratic election” in South Africa has seen at least one innocent white civilian murdered in South Africa every day for the last 15 years by blacks. In fact this number is closer to 3-5 innocent white civilians murdered every day in South Africa by blacks and the documented instances where violent black racist epithets, verbal abuse and rhetoric was levelled at white victims during their brutal torture and eventual murder are legion. You need to research this to give some balance to your smug open letter because rest assured, if this asylum case was objectively reviewed and the case of black racism and black racist reprisals against white South Africans were to be scrutinised, not only would Brandon Huntley be given more credibility than is the case now, but a precedent would be set to declare the number of whites who have been murdered by black racist attackers to be nothing less than a genocide.

So I would ask you Ms Steyn, what are thinking white South Africans to understand of the black racist ANC chant of “One Settler, One Bullet” at this point in time after anything between nearly 6000 and 35000 whites have been murdered in South Africa in the last nearly 16 years of ANC misrule. Of course, at the moment we cannot be sure of the exact figures because of the ANC black racist governments exertions to hide South Africa’s crime figures, but trust me they can be percolated out of other statistics, like the death registry, hospital and funeral records, not to mention family testimony and in this day and age of high-speed technology and communication, it would not take much to side-step the ANC government’s diligence in hiding the crime figures in SA to reveal the true extent as well as documentation of race-hate murder of whites and the circumstances of extreme black racism under which these occurred, so maybe your open letter to the Canadian Government may still serve some purpose in uncovering the lie that is the Rainbow Nation.

Once again, how dare you and your ilk diminish the brutal murder of this number of white civilians at the hands of blacks racist attackers at the behest mind you, by way of continuous exhortations by high profile members of the ANC to “Kill boer, kill the farmer” and “One Settler, one bullet”?

Your smug condescending little appeasement exercise stinks of ANC black racist apologetics and tacit approval, not to mention full endorsement in an effort to overturn a legitimate application by an individual to live in a country that offers a degree of safety that for any white person in South Africa is unthinkable and in this regard, I would also put your convictions in writing this filthy little open letter to the proof thereof – why don’t you as a white woman try walking around your neighbourhood at night let alone in any “black neighbourhood”?

Once again, I could unpack this particularly black racist “reality” as you put it, of the state of affairs in South Africa but it would require writing a book.

What I would like to do is ask you about the “past brutalisation” you assert in your putrid little open letter. To my mind and to the mind of every thinking South African this was all subjected to intense, extremely prolonged microscopic scrutiny by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which determined that the “past brutalisation” of blacks that you refer to under the Apartheid Administration amounted to approximately 7000 black combatants, activists, saboteurs, agitators, law breakers and a small number of civilians killed by way of engagement with the Apartheid security forces and Police between 1948 and 1994.

Compare this with anywhere between 6000 and 35000 unarmed, non-combatant, non-activist law abiding white civilian men, women and children murdered by random blacks in a mere 15 year period between 1994 and 2009.
At no point ever in the history of South Africa have random black civilians been attacked and murdered by random whites on the scale and with the consistency that random whites have been murdered by random blacks since 1994 so please would you explain who has been subject to the worst brutalisation in South Africa in modern times, and furthermore please explain to me how these statistics are not the manifestation of a deep, vindictive and intense race hatred and intolerance of whites by the general black population that amounts to anything less than the persecution of white South Africans, if not an outright genocide?

Much has been said about white privilege in South Africa and how whites enjoy senior corporate positions and salaries etc. and you also bleat on tearfully about this injustice, yet conveniently ignore the responsibility that these “privileged whites” have to shoulder to keep the economy afloat under economic conditions made so bad by “affirmative action” and BEE, punitive taxes, and a programme of the destruction of the country’s infrastructure by the ANC not to mention their own agenda of self enrichment that is beggaring the state coffers that most people in the international corporate community would have difficulty getting their heads around.

You also conveniently side-step the fact that the richest individuals in South Africa today are all black beneficiaries of the post Apartheid era, some of whom have made billions of Rands by way of white engineered Black Economic Empowerment programmes since 1994 that amount to the most massive accumulation of the most indescribable wealth by the smallest elite minority in the shortest time in history on a scale that would easily address all the so-called past injustices and brutalisation that is bandied about so flippantly by the likes of yourself.

And while, the handful of white survivors in South Africa beaver away busily at propping up the economy we have Julius Malema screaming racial abuse and accusations at whites for not removing themselves from their jobs to be at the renamed Oliver Tambo airport to welcome the return of an athlete that is the epitome of the duplicitous greed, deceit, lies and corruption of black officialdom in South Africa – please tell your mate Julius that we were not at the Airport to welcome a female with athletically advantageous all-male attributes because we were all working to generate the income from which would be drawn the taxes to pay the UIF of all the blacks that were there; not because we are racist.

Also in this all white male, unjustifiably skewed economy you have not said one word about what it actually costs to be a white male in South Africa with a job description that supports thousands if not tens or hundreds of thousands of blacks in terms of punitive taxes, physical and mental burn-out and the cost of insurance and security to protect our loved ones and our property from the urge that any blacks might have to walk into our homes and kill at random before taking what they want because of “past injustices”.

What about the nearly 1 million white people who have emigrated from South Africa Ms Steyn, mainly for one of if not both the following reasons; Crime and Affirmative action?

I left South Africa because I was a victim of violent black hate crime. I don’t know anybody who has not been a victim of violent black hate crime. I also left because as a white male over 40, I was advised by my already affirmative action over-endowed organisation that by not replacing myself and a number of my other white over 40 male colleagues with young blacks with no experience and mickey mouse degrees, they risked violating Government stipulated BEE quotas and a fine of up to R500k.

Or is this all stuff that we are all imagining Ms Steyn, just because we are actually racist and there is actually no murder of whites in South Africa and jobs for white men over 40 with multiple degrees and decades of experience are a dime a dozen?

On that subject you assert that the majority of skilled black people are not being given the opportunity to prove their worth. Oh really? What about the entire national, provincial and local ANC government within the ranks of which there are virtually no white men? And boy, have they sure proved their worth, Mercedes Benzes by the dozen, breakfast lunch and dinner BMW’s with every gadget you can think of, R60 Billion for weapons of war that no SADF member can operate, for a war against whom?

I could also unpack this lot Ms Steyn, but thinking people can do that for themselves and if you can’t or won’t then your little open letter is a mockery and again, you a denialist as well as an apologist for ANC black racism.

What about nearly a million white South Africans destitute and unemployed just outside Pretoria – unemployed because they are white? It seems that you and your ANC masters would have us believe that within an exponentially burgeoning black population of some 60 million plus, employing these whites would be a perpetuation of Apartheid but in the same breath complain that a small minority of white males still enjoy privileges in South Africa that most blacks (except the elite black multi billionaire club) can never aspire to because this small minority of privileged white men over 40 is hedging the entire country’s economy and excluding the black majority from it when in fact if it weren’t for them, the economy would have collapsed faster than it has.

It begs the question that if the drive of the ANC is BEE and they have already chased 1 million whites out of the country, made another one million destitute then it follows that removing the balance of the white racist minority that is monopolising the economy and replacing them with all these highly qualified and skilled blacks who are not being given the opportunity to prove their worth should be a no-brainer and would solve all South Africa’s problems – or am I missing something here?

In the final analysis Ms Steyn, your tearful little open letter is nothing more than an exercise in the appeasement of the ANC terrorist regime in South Africa and even worse, it also diminishes the hate crimes of black racists who have murdered so many tens of thousands of innocent law abiding white civilians in South Africa under the ongoing exhortations of the ANC terrorists since the early eighties that are synonymous with their chants of “Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer”, “One Settler, One Bullet”; and more recently, as we wait with bated breath the outcome of Zuma’s “M’shini Wami”, we saw the first drive by shooting in Cresta this week by a car full of blacks firing automatic weapons at mainly white pedestrians and motorists.

You fail further to recognise the fear and revulsion of white South Africans the world over of the black backlash that we continue to be threatened with and subjected to daily and instead assign that to petty racism the definition of which is still open to such interpretation that it would seem that you and your ilk would have the world believe that white South Africans can only function and exist if they can fulfil some perverse desire to oppress blacks no matter how decimated, besieged, marginalised, disarmed and impoverished whites may be in a country where everything is geared for the black majority against the white minority and the greatest beneficiaries of this are in fact a small minority of the black elite in government office and gargantuan BEE organisations like Mvelephanda Investments.

The disgusting wealth and excesses of these two ANC monoliths cannot be justified in any way whatsoever yet you and your ilk would ascribe the financial and socio-economic devastation of this concentration if the nation’s wealth in the personal coffers of a small black elitist minority to the evil machinations of a small minority of white people whose contribution to not only the excesses of the ruling black elite as well as the sustenance of the economy in general way exceeds their numbers and if anything, is testament to their commitment to the Rainbow Nation you dream about, even as they and their loves ones are systematically and daily murdered out of South Africa by random black racists on a scale that by any definition can only be described as a genocide.

I’m not genius, but I’m also not an idiot – I’m your typical white South African who has worked hard to contribute to this country but have realised that the more I give, the more blacks will take until I have no more to give and then they will kill me because I am white and that is the way of Africa – so I left and I will never return.

I also have thinking friends like me who have also left South Africa and guess what, not all of them are white, many of them are black and they also acknowledge the black racist backlash against whites in South Africa. They have also advised me that it will get worse – as more and more skilled whites leave and are not replaced by all the skilled blacks you talk about and as the economy shrinks and more and more shortages develop so crime will increase and by your logic this increase in crime should justifiably be borne by whites because there are so few of us and so many of them and we have all this stuff that we got for nothing with no effort and no studying and we did it by oppressing blacks?

I will e-mail this letter as well as your diatribe to as many of my friends as I can all over the world and while your letter may go to the Canadian Parliament and appear on the front page of South Africa’s anti-white media for a day or two, my response and those of other South Africans both black and white who have had to leave the country of our birth due to violent crime and black racist kleptomania disguised as BEE that enriches only the few black elitists; will bounce around the world again and again and again and it will lead to this incident coming under increasing international scrutiny for the simple reason that millions of white South Africans have left SA or are as desperate as Huntley to leave because they are happy, welcome and accepted in black South Africa especially if 3-5 whites are murdered every day, day in and day out in SA.

Lastly, I am compiling a letter to the Canadian Government as well as the government of the country I now live in and a few others and I will support this with a wealth of multimedia material to prove the black racist persecution of white South Africans, the threats of further backlashes and the ongoing exhortations of the ANC terrorist regime to perpetuate backlashes against the white minority group in South Africa.

You call yourself a realist but us much as you want to avoid it, you cannot escape the truth of the black racist criminal hell-hole that is South Africa and the truth always stands up to time and scrutiny no matter how much you try and spin it.

Finally as testament of the persecution of white South Africans by blacks I cannot even sign my name to this letter for fear of persecution and reprisals by blacks.

White South African Refugee
Melissa Steyn's letter appears on: South Africa: An open letter to Canada.

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