Dienstag, 15. September 2009

KW 38/1

Moin zusammen,

heute gibt es einen Kommentar eines Südafrikaners, zwei Meldungen zur immer weiter ausufernden Kriminalität im Lande und einen Blick zum Thema nach Namibia:

S.Africa: Dumb & Dumber: The most embarrassing ridiculous country on Earth... imploding education, Caster Semenya, etc

Date Posted: Monday 14-Sep-2009

A friend of mine who feels strongly about the education system phoned me. Today on my way to visit my Mom in hospital (that's another story as she slowly recovers from a serious bout of double pnuemonia) I saw THE SUNDAY TIMES blaring headlines about the further dumbing down of South Africa's education system.

Here on AfricanCrisis we've been talking for the last almost ten years about how the ANC is dumbing down the black people of this country to levels never before seen. Under Apartheid when black people got an education you could take it at its face value.

My friend is outraged, and I've been urging him to write an article about this - which he said he will soon.

To give you an idea of how completely stupid South Africans have become under ANC rule, consider this:-
o For several years they've included South Africa in international surveys of Maths and Science - and South Africa has gone ever more backwards. In fact it is so bad now, that South Africa no longer wants to take part in these international surveys because many truly backward, truly poor Third World nations are doing better than we are!
o It turns out that countries like Zimbabwe (with a totally imploded economy) and Kenya, and many other poor black African countries actually have a higher standard of eduction than South Africa which is the single most powerful country on the continent. (Mind you, you could look at our stupid soccer team for a similar comparison. Many black African soccer teams even though they had a budget that is only a tiny fraction of that of ours).

For years I've been saying that the ANC's mission in life is to take the black people and to make them ever dumber. Well, the rate at which that is happening now is truly shocking. The ANC is surpassing itself these days. The ANC under Jacob Zuma has put the leader of the South African Communist party in charge of "higher education" (universities) and now they have a separate minister for lower education.

The Sunday Times expose was about lower education. However, prior to this, for years, the ANC has been massaging the figures on pass rates, and at times we've commented on the abnormal results that come out of this artificial adjusting of pass rates. The ANC claims it is educating more black children simply by artificially moving the pass rates up.

The universities have complained that Matric students now need to be tested to see if they actually can enter university and they need additional lessons.

The leader of the SACP, Dr Blade Nzimande is of course the worst choice imaginable to run the higher education system. Essentially he is going to overthrow our education system and he is going to try to turn every university student into a hard core communist.

South African students are not only embarrassments by world standards, but even by Third World African standards. We must have the most talentless society in the world, or be very close to achieving it.

Everyone with a brain is leaving this country. The whites are leaving and the coloured people get their children out of this country and send them overseas at every opportunity.

The South African Govt was utterly furious when recently a white man was acknowledged by the Canadian legal system as a "White refugee". I am told that hundreds of such cases are pending all across the world where White South Africans are trying to enter other countries as refugees. South Africa was so furious that they have been trying to threaten and twist the Canadian Govt's arms. They have been screaming: Racism and all that.

South Africa has so very much to be embarrassed about these days. It does not help out cause when a senior official stands up and "Threatens World War III" over an illegal athelete on the world stage. Caster Semenya is not truly a woman, and if they had been honest about it, he/she would never have been allowed into international atheletics. Scientific tests prove that Caster is a hermaphrodite. But now the ANC threatens "World War III" - yes, those exact words - for a mistake that they themselves made. The entire world abides by one standard, but South Africa wants to be the only exception in the world. Once more, the Govt screams: Racism.

Even other Third World Nations are questioning South Africa's position. Brazil caused a huge uproar when a study in Brazil questioned whether South Africa was truly the "gateway into Africa". They questioned South Africa's importance in Africa and wondered whether other countries weren't more suitable as the way to get into Africa. South Africa's ANC Govt blew a gasket over that!

Yes, South Africa was a superpower in African terms during white rule, but its not the same now.

We can't even produce electricity any more. We've had huge electricity hikes in the last 2 years, and Eskom now wants another huge hike within less than a year. How nice... Just last night we had a power outage in my part of Johannesburg from 10pm until 1:40am.

I have joked with friends as to whether the ANC could find a way of blaming the Caster Semenya debacle on Apartheid! Maybe Caster Semenya isn't a properly developed woman because THE WHITES ARE TO BLAME!! Yeah... blame it on the whites.

Robert Mugabe, our northern neighbour is still blaming the "bloody whites". There are almost no whites left, and yet, the old cretin still blames the whites - even after driving them out over the last 10 years.

What a pathetic country South Africa has become.

Remember the ANC and how they told the blacks how the whites were keeping them down and how they would be freed and how everything would be great? I have a story to tell in this regard as a separate post. I watched this last week as non-whites I work with almost collapsed from shock. I have a story to tell from my work. The non-whites thought life would be plain sailing onwards and upwards forever. Then they got a shock that knocked them for a six.

They all thought, like Robert Mugabe did: Get rid of the whites and life will be FABULOUS! Yes, there is a lie permeating across the world that if you get rid of the whites that things will be great and that when the whites are gone there will be world peace. Oh yeah! Let's see shall we? I am completely skeptical about that. I predict the opposite: When the whites are gone, there will be more poverty and much more fighting than before.

I've been saying for a long time that the black people of South Africa don't really know what hardship is. As an outsider, from Rhodesia, I had a different perspective. The black people of South Africa don't know how good they had it. Now that the ANC is here, stealing their money, lying to them and mismanaging the country you'll start seeing how good white rule really was.

My late mentor, Dr Chris Jordaan told me, years before he died, that every piece of data he saw, indicated that by 2010 South Africa would be in an advanced state of collapse. And he was right.

I have said for years that the worthless, rubbish ANC would bring this country to its knees. When the ANC is finished with us all, every one of us, regardless of race will be far poorer than we ever were. The blacks will discover to their horror that they'll be much poorer than they were under Apartheid. The ANC is taking the finest country in Africa, the result of 350 years of progress and turning it into a rubbish dump overnight.

Future generations will look back in stunned awe and wonder how so much progress could be wiped out during such a short time period.


Hier ist der Fall eines schwarzen Taxifahrers, der, ohne Grund, eine weiße 16-Jährige Motorrollerfahrerin verfolgte, zu Fall brachte und ihr über den Kopf fuhr:

Scooter death: taxi man guilty of murder


Was viele hier in Europa nicht wissen: Es gibt südafrikanische Asylsucher!

Brandon Huntley, South Africa?s white refugee who 'fled' to Canada to escape being targetted by 'black criminals' is not alone.

The Saturday Star can reveal, as diplomats scramble to repair the rift caused by the international embarassment to South Africa, that Canada has granted asylum to a further 32 South Africans.

In fact, there are more than 600 South Africans living as refugees across the world:


Auch in Namibia geht es langsam, aber sicher, den Bach runter:

Crime is Out of Control


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